Who doesn’t like these handy walkie-talkies, especially when they come with the power of freely communicating with another person using a similar device? To share meaningful messages, Ham radios or any radio transceiver require only radio waves, which are a type of electromagnetic radiation. This doesn’t involve a middle service provider like your cell phone operator. Considering this benefit, many people are becoming inclined towards learning and exploring the world of amateur radio.

Before you go online and purchase your HT (Handheld Transceiver), keep in mind that this hobby requires a proper license issued by the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India. 

We asked ChatGPT about the best schedule to prepare for the Ham Radio Certification in India. Here’s what came out, and it is surprisingly accurate!


Studying for the Amateur Station Operator’s Certificate (ASOC) Ham Radio Exam in India requires dedication and a well-structured study plan. Here’s a suggested schedule to help you prepare for the exam and achieve a General grade:

Weeks 1-2: Introduction and Basic Concepts

  • Read the syllabus and exam pattern provided by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) in India.
  • Familiarize yourself with basic concepts, such as electromagnetic waves, antennas, and propagation.
  • Study the different frequency bands and their characteristics.
  • Take notes and review regularly.

Weeks 3-4: Regulations and Operating Procedures

  • Learn about the licensing requirements and regulations imposed by the DoT.
  • Understand the basic operating procedures, such as calling, responding, and handling QSOs (conversations) on the air.
  • Study the proper usage of phonetics, Q-codes, and ITU phonetic alphabets.
  • Practice Morse code, if applicable to your exam level.

Weeks 5-6: Electronics and Circuits

  • Study the fundamentals of electronics, including resistors, capacitors, and inductors.
  • Learn about basic electronic circuits and their components, such as amplifiers, oscillators, and filters.
  • Understand how to calculate and measure voltage, current, and resistance.
  • Solve practice problems and review examples to solidify your understanding.

Weeks 7-8: RF and Transmission Lines

  • Learn about radio frequency (RF) systems, including modulation and demodulation techniques.
  • Study transmission lines, impedance matching, and standing waves.
  • Understand the characteristics of different types of antennas and their applications.
  • Practice calculating antenna dimensions and characteristics.

Weeks 9-10: Propagation and Safety

  • Study radio wave propagation and its impact on communication.
  • Learn about tropospheric and ionospheric propagation.
  • Understand the impact of weather conditions and solar activity on radio wave propagation.
  • Review safety precautions related to radio equipment and electromagnetic radiation.

Weeks 11-12: Practice Exams and Review

  • Take practice exams and review your answers.
  • Identify weak areas and focus on improving them.
  • Review the entire syllabus, paying special attention to areas where you faced difficulties.
  • Revise and consolidate your knowledge by discussing with fellow amateur radio enthusiasts or joining online forums.

Remember to allocate time for regular revision throughout the entire study period. Additionally, consider joining a local amateur radio club or finding a mentor who can provide guidance and practical training.

Note: Depending on your country, the licensing authority and procedures may vary. Please check them and be sure before following the schedule above.

Good luck with your ASOC Ham Radio Exam!

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